In a January 10, 2017 decision, United States District Judge Thomas M. Rose in the Southern District of Ohio ruled that plaintiffs, who claimed to be investors in a Ponzi scheme operated by customers of PNC Bank, failed to state a claim against PNC Bank, National Association and The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. (collectively, “PNC”) for allegedly violating the Ohio Securities Act, Ohio Rev. Code § 1707.01, et seq. Cruz v. PNC Bank, N.A., No. 3:16-cv-292, slip op. (S.D. Ohio Jan. 10, 2017). Plaintiffs alleged that PNC was liable for their losses because the alleged ringleaders of the fraud, William and Connie Apostelos (who are currently awaiting trial on various federal criminal charges), deposited virtually all of the funds they raised from investors into a PNC business account and made interest payments to investors from the account. Plaintiffs claimed that by providing the Aposteloses with account services and allegedly allowing them to use PNC facilities, PNC participated in the sale of unregistered securities by the Aposteloses.
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